The present study is part of the Letlhakane- Botlhapatlou groundwater project. It is aimed at defining the geometrical shape of the aquifers lying in the Karoo Supergroup, and at giving recommendations for exploration borehole siting.
The following results were achieved:
1. The tectonic style is different east and west of the Botlhapatlou High;
- to the west, it is dominated by a NW-SE-trending horst and graben system
-to the east it is dominated by and "egg-box" interference pattern induced bt 2 cross- cutting sets of horst-and-graben systems, respectively oriented E-W to ENE-WSW and NNW-SSE;
2. The faulting observed in the project area was probably induced by the reactivation in the tensional regime of a structural grain created by interference folding E-W to WNW- ESE and NNW-SSE directions in the pre Waterberg-Karoo basement
3. The grain size in the sandstone aquifers is quite uniform, and no depositional trend is apparent.