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1:125 000 scale -Pre-Kalahari Geological Interpretation 2022C Dautsa

1:125,000 scale-Pre-Kalahari Geological Interpretation 2022C Dautsa

Map sheet 2022C is delimited by latitudes 20.5ยฐS and 21ยฐS, and longitudes 22ยฐE and 22.5ยฐE. The area has a few small villages and settlements, primarily in the east but contains no development in the northern and western areas. Highway A3 and several primary roads and gravel track s cross the map sheet.The pre-Kalahari bedrock of the map sheet primarily consists of two geological groups - the highly deformed Ghanzi Group, which is unconformably overlain by y ounger Karoo Supergroup strata. The Kgwebe Formation underlies the Ghanzi Group and is the oldest mapped unit.

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