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Petroleum Potential Of The Nama Basin, Western Botswana-1998- By Exploration Consultants Limited


This report documents a full synthesis of the petroleum potential of the Late Proterozoic Nama Group of the Nama Basin in western Botswana conducted by Exploration Consultants Ltd (ECL) on behalf of the Geological Survey Department of Botswana (GSD). These studies intergrate and extrapolate all the results of the recently completed all the auspices of the Oil and Gas Stratigraphic Drilling Project commissioned by the GSD. The results of these boreholes are correlated with data from outcrop in Namibia, boreholes Tses-1 and Vreda 282-2 in Namibia, Masetlheng ย Pan-1 in Botswana, and a regional 2D seismic survey in western Botswana, to provide a revised and fully updated interpretation of the general and petroleum geology of the basin.