BGI undertakes National Mineral Accounting under the Wealth Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services (WAVES) - a global partnership led by the World Bank that aims to promote sustainable development by mainstreaming natural capital in development planning and national economic accounting systems, based on the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA).
The Scope of this Project is to produce the following;
- Annual update of the accounts
- Develop the policy brief in order to ensure that mineral accounts findings are used to guide policy
- International publication
Mineral Accounts provides information on five commodities being diamonds, coal, copper-nickel, soda ash and gold.
Information from the mineral accounts is of critical importance to Botswana’s economy and the national balance sheet. Mining in Botswana, continues to be the largest contributor to gross domestic product (GDP), generating the majority of export earnings, and making major contribution to government fiscal revenues.
Visit www.worldbank.org/en/country/botswana for more information.