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A geochemical study of stream sediments derived from the Gaborone Granite, Kanye meta-volcanics and adjacent rocks by B.S.I. Marengwa (1978)


A regional stream-sediment geochemical survey was carried out in the southeastern part of Botswana which is underlain mainly by rocks of the Gaborone granite and by the Kanye metavolcanics. Twenty elements were determined in these samples, but only the elements Cr, Co, Cu, Pb, Mn, Ni, Sn, V and Zn wre detected in the concentrations that warranted a statistical treatment and analysis. Subdued anomalous patterns in the geochemical distribution of these elements have been defined and, thus, target areas for further investigation can be selected. It is concluded that any follow-up work should give priority to areas with high anomalies of Pb, Sn, Zn.

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