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The geology of the Molopo Farms Complex, Southern Botswana, by D. Gould, P.A. Rathbone and G.S. Kimbell, geophysical contributions by A.J. Burley, R.J. Peart M.E. Parker, S.F. Pease. Volume 2 - Appendices (1989)


The Molopo Farms Project (GS 17 UK) was a technical cooperation project between the governments of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Botswana. The project srea, totalling approximately 17 000km squared, extends from 23 degrees E logitude and from 24 degrees S latitude to the Molopo River. The principal aim of the project was to delineate a major layered ultrabasic/basic igneous complex, and to identify areas of potential economic mineralisation, particularly platinum group metals, copper/nickel sulphides , and chromite.

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